Nutriversum Vegan Collagen Support - WOMEN (100 Capsule)

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Nutriversum Vegan Collagen Support - WOMEN (100 Capsule)

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EFECT DE SUSȚINERE A PRODUCȚIEI DE COLAGEN Complex de ingrediente active cu o formulă vegană pentru a susține producția de colagen. Fără GlutenFără ZahărDid you know? Collagen is a protein found in large quantities in our bodies, mainly in the structure of skin, tendons, cartilage and bones. There are several types of collagen, and each type plays a different role in our bodies. Collagen is an extremely useful protein, making up 75% of our skin, but over the years our body's collagen levels steadily decrease, so the skin can lose its firmness. There are many types, forms, active ingredients and sources of collagen on the supplement market today, but they all have in common that they are animal proteins and therefore do not fit into vegan and vegetarian diets. Recognising this, we have created an unconventional formula that offers a unique solution to collagen intake for those following a vegan lifestyle. Key features100% vegan formula Easy to swallow capsules Added hyaluronic acid Vegan formula for those following a plant-based diet Vegan Collagen Support is a However, it is made with a unique combination of carefully selected active ingredients that provide your body with natural and effective support for collagen production. This innovative formula includes the amino acids your body needs to naturally increase collagen levels. In addition to containing Vitamin C, Nutriversum Vegan Collagen Support is a dietary supplement capsule containing amino acids, bamboo fibre and cranberry extract. If you're looking for a solution that you can easily incorporate into your plant-based diet, Nutriversum Vegan Collagen Support could be the ideal choice for you! Benefits of Nutriversum Vegan Collagen CapsulesUse it to support your goals easily and conveniently It's the perfect choice if you follow a plant-based diet but want to support your body on a daily basis. Contains a unique complex of active ingredients. When to choose the capsule?When you're looking for a quick fix for a hectic weekdaUTILIZARE (1 doză = 4 capsule)Luați o porție (2 capsule) la prima masă a zilei și una la ultima masă. DEPOZITAREA se păstra într-un loc răcoros și uscat. A nu se lăsa la îndemâna copiilor. AVERTIZAREProdusul nu este un substitut pentru o dietă echilibrată și un stil de viață sănătos! Nu depășiți doza zilnică recomandată! A nu se lăsa la îndemâna copiilor mici!



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